The Gambling Act of 2005

The Gambling Act of 2005 was passed by UK parliament and applies to England, Wales and Scotland. Outlining its objectives as the prevention of gambling or wagering being the source for any crime or disorder, being associated with crime and disorder or being used in order to support crime and disorder; the assurance that gambling will always be conducted in a manner that is both open and fair; and the protection of youngsters and those who are vulnerable from being exploited or otherwise harmed by gambling, provisions of the bill faced some controversy.

In its original form, the act would have openly allowed for the development of a total of eight super online casinos in the UK, a seemingly rather absurd total, at least in light of the direction of the bill, which after a lengthy parliamentary debate was reduced to just one. Eventually, the plan was scrapped altogether after Gordon Browns appointment as Prime Minister.

Perhaps one of the most noteworthy features of the Gambling Act of 2005 is the inclusion of and reference to the issue of internet gambling. Acting to provide the first regulations on this emerging area of the industry, the bill is in a sense rather historic.

On top of tackling new issues within gambling, the act makes various specifications clear in relation to more archaic forms of wagering. Gaming machines and casino games (read for more info at gambling websites for Americans) for example, were restricted in terms of suitable placement by the act, together with The Gambling Commission.

Remaining solid in the decade which has now elapsed since its conception, the Gambling Act of 2005 was added to on December 1st, 2014 when the 2014 Gambling (Licensing & Advertising) Bill came into effected. Relevant updates include the prerequisite that off-shore gaming brands agree to a 15% POC tax on gross profits and apply for licenses through the Gambling Commission.